Since the dawn of time, a secret war has been waged between two species, each determined to annihilate the other. Throughout the millennia, they have kept their battle confined to the shadows; however, one brazen act has escalated this conflict to a fever pitch. As the world careens toward Armageddon, every human on the planet will soon be forced to CHOOSE A SIDE!
From the minds of creators Sebastian Kadlecik, John Bring, and Lindsay Calhoon Bring, Issue #6 will see the escalation of the interspecies war as it spills out of the shadows and into the light of day. Filled to the brim with heart-pounding action, crushing losses, and deceitful betrayal, readers will not want to miss this monumental issue as the series nears its thrilling conclusion. The comic book also features pin-up work by writer/artist David Flores of Dead Future King and an updated cover for the comic's second print run.
Printed by James River Press